Shelter Homes

About Shelter Homes Project

Medical Camp

Organized a health camp M M Govt. Hospital for the homeless. We gave away 30 wheel chair cycles and check up more than 200 patients. A team of 5 doctors from MM Hospital and 20 volunteers from our YOUTH VOLUNTEER helped us organize the camp. It was a great success.

ID proof for Homeless

Registration Camp For ID proof for Homeless. Organized a camp With Samaj Kalian Vibagh for homeless. The purpose of the camp was to make and spread awareness for income certificate, disabled card, widow pension. More than 50 cards were made and over 100 registrations.

Ration Card Registration

Organized a registration camp for ration cards for homeless as well as the neighboring community with the help of the local counselor. He inaugurated the camp and learned about the shelter and homeless people and their problems. He and his team as promised to be supportive & helped us.

Shelter Committee Meeting

We have a shelter Committee meeting every once in two weeks we have different local leaders, youth RWA members, and close by stake holder for it. This helps us in integrating the homeless with the general society and provide them with equal opportunity to live a dignified life like any other citizen of this country.

Vocational Training For Children

It has been observed that most kids Drop out after primary school or high school. So we try to enhance their interest in vocational training while motivating them to finish studying .We conduct awareness camp with MCD school of class 8th , 9th and 12th. These are very compelling session, where we try to encourage kids to figure out their interests and support them in pursuing them further. We have further organized field trips to expose them to various trades; this is done for both the school kids and kids going to school from the shelter.

Mobilization And Awareness

We have been mobilizing on a daily basis for the past 3 months. We do it in all public places and with different groups of people. Our mobilizes along with our care takers have been doing awareness, mobilization & rescue along with youth, RWA & local police.

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